Official Declaration
Contempt of Constitution
The People of the United States of America

With this Document, Filed, Presented or Posted with any agency, department, representative or body politic of government in any form which such government shall take, shall be construed by force majeure as the same shall be duly gathered by We THE People, and the same shall at any time be required or necessary, to be an official and undeniable Declaration of CONTEMPT OF CONSTITUTION for the People of the United States of America, and sets forth the following information and Declaration in support thereof.

The inherent authority and power to charge one with contempt of court has long been recognized within the courts and the legal structure of the governments of the United States of America. It has been well understood, and is accepted, that such authority and power belongs to common law courts as a result of the nature of what contempt of court is, an inherent authority and power being undeniable and un-separable to the courts because of the nature of what that authority and power is. It is further recognized by We THE People, as claimed by the courts themselves, that contempt of court is the highest authority and power as being true and correct on its face accordingly.

Likewise, it is recognized that such authority and power arose first from an acknowledgement and allowance of the King of England in the early Eighteenth century, or early 1700’s, as revealed by the U.S. Supreme Court case of In Re Green v. U.S., N.Y., 78 S. Ct. 632, 356 U.S. 165, 2L. Ed. 2d 672. This revelation being thus shown to illustrate the fact that the power of contempt of court itself actually comes under the sovereignty of a country just as it did in England at that time centuries ago, proves to the People and establishes by like principle that the power of contempt of court in the United States also belongs under the ultimate Sovereignty of the United States of America the republic thereof, or the People, as was expressly embodied in the Preamble as “We the People.”

Proclaiming and explaining the inherent right of the courts themselves to simply declare the right to contempt of court, it is stated at Corpus Juris Secundun, Volume 17, Section 43, Page 108 that “In order that any human agency may accomplish its purpose, it is necessary that it possess power." The executive must have power to direct or control his business. The Superintendent must have power to direct his men. In order to accomplish the purposes for which they were created, courts must also possess powers. … these powers are called inherent powers. Among these powers is the power to punish for contempt.”

We THE People of the United States of America, having come together in peaceful assembly to return to Original Jurisdiction and Venue and return the formation of a republic, being noted in the Preamble as “We the People,” likewise have, and hereby reveal and prescribe, an Inherent Authority and Power, and for the same or similar reasons, in their own fashion, do so reason and Declare:

In order that any human body of people forming a constitution representing them directly by prescribed or written agency may accomplish their purposes, in order to keep their constitution secure, safe and sound in its integrity, clean, pure, inviolable (not being violated), it is necessary that that body of people possess all inherent authority and power. The business owner must have authority and power to direct or control his business or punish or fire bad employees who refuse to be directed or controlled as required. The Superintendent must have authority and power to direct his men. In order to accomplish the purpose for which they created a Constitution, a People organized in a republic, or even recognized between themselves as bearing or having a constitution, whether or not written, must also possess Authority and Powers. …these authorities and powers are called Inherent Authorities and Powers. These Authorities and Powers are undeniable, irrevocable, irreversible, indisputable, and unalienable, by any elements of government. Among these authorities and powers is the authority and power to punish for Contempt of Constitution. Contempt of Constitution belongs and is inherent to We THE People alone. No part of authority or power of government may attach it, detract from it, taint it, or approach it.

Furthermore, not only does the Inherent Authority and Power of Contempt of Constitution belong to the People alone, wherefore no body of government may approach it without committing Contempt of Constitution at its highest level, but the principle of Contempt of Constitution was embodied by the Constitution’s Founding Fathers or Framers, at Article I, Section 6, Clause 1, perceived and understood therein as “breach of Peace” being understood so to be, to wit:

Treason and Felony are referred to in Article I, Section 6, Clause 1, but Misdemeanor is not. Thus, mere Misdemeanors, even if seemingly causing a breach of peace by today’s standards, would not be sufficient to prevent a Congressman or Senator from attending Congress in session. Reviewing all forms of Misdemeanors and recognizing that none of them apply to such a breach as described in the Constitution, by process of elimination, the only kind of breach that could be so serious as to be thought by the Founding Fathers as being worthy to stop an attendance of Congress in session was that kind of an offense serious enough to be regarded as equal or greater than the commitment of either a treason of felony.

Whenever any person of We THE People, or the People as a Whole, shall have their rights subsequent to mandated rights and requirements usurped by government, and shall further have as to such abuse, contempt, or usurpation by government their:

Rights that any person or People not be assaulted in their fundamental or constitutional rights or their rights of due process in connection with Life, Liberty and Property are abused or denied (5th Amendment);

Rights to be or feel secure in their houses, not just house, as to all their communications, even with modern technology, the advent of modern technology not amending the Constitution in any part thereof (4th Amendment);

Rights to feel secure while traveling abroad by not being forced under penalty of fine or imprisonment (being in duress, by the conduct of government agents) or violation of other rights to show or produce their papers (4th & 5th Amendment);

Rights of speech, religion, assembly, the press, and petition, not polluted with false concepts of expression leading to gross depravity. Perversion, and leading to all forms of social self-destruction, including children murdering children (1st & 9th Amendments);

Rights to exist peacefully in their homes during times of peace (3rd Amendment);

Rights not to have the State’s militia suppressed, oppressed, or done away with under pretense or disguise of being a national guard, or military assaults committed against private homes for constitutionally violation purposes (Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 & 2nd, 8th and 10th Amendments);

Rights of justice by an impartial jury, under control (trial, try – to control) of a Jury, not under control of a judge, thus representing the People directly (Article III, Section 2, Clause 3 and the 6th Amendment);

Rights to not have judges wearing the (black) robes of England or any other country, to not be required to “all rise” for, to not be required to speak, say or lavish the title of honor where no constitutional law can be required of the People to do so, and to have government of the United States and of the several States to not support, either by law or by practice, a title of such as, but not limited to “esquire,” or any association or organization, foreign or domestic, in support thereof (Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 and Article I, Section 10, Clause 1);

Rights to be fully informed of all material facts that transpire in the courts, not to have judges or attorneys take “silent judicial notice” of elements of proceedings thereby impairing the obligation of contract with the court (Article I, Section 10, Clause 6);

Rights to have the separation of powers between the several States and the United States in cases of criminal offense alleged and recognized (Article III, Section 2, Clause 3);

Rights to have all commerce not crossing or else no longer crossing a State’s borders recognized as intrastate commerce, not interstate commerce, and therefore not under the power and authority of the United States government (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3);

Rights to not have Congress have the right to regulate (make regular or uniform) commerce among the States (or interstate commerce) to be extended to mean “to regulate or control interstate society” where such wording is not plainly stated (not being found in Article I, Section 8, Clause 3);

Rights to assistance of counsel (not necessarily attorney or lawyers), assistance not being forced, controlled or limited by any organization what-so-ever (6th Amendment);

Rights against governmental and other encroachments to have civil matters in cases of determined value tried by jury, also not under the control of a lawyer judge (7th Amendment);

Rights of reasonable bail set, but not by prosecution and trial, and no cruel and unusual punishment (8th Amendment);

Rights to not be forced to use an unlawfull form of money, consideration or value received on export (or income from an accounting standpoint) be taxable by the United States Corporation or Government, weather alleged to be to any foreign country or to any local county or State or nation, or no tax on the export side of interstate commerce in any form (Article I, Section 9, Clause 5);

Rights to the Inherent Right to have the language of the People, in all aspects to which it applies to them, belong to the People alone and under their control, and to not belong to or be controlled by any form of government thereof to any degree whatsoever, and rights to the common law thereunder (9th, 5th and 7th Amendments);

Rights to have all rights, through not specifically numbered (enumerated) within the Constitution but retained without Article V required amendment, retained by the First Generation, or that generation which came under the wording “retained by the people” (9th Amendment);

Rights to have certain powers considered forever and distinctly separate between bodies of government, United States, States, and People (10th Amendment);

Rights to bear arms in order to secure against the loss of the condition of a free state, whether by overt or covert means, being the loss of right to Life, Liberty and Property without due process of the law (2nd Amendment combined with the 5th Amendment);

Rights of all other things as they exist within the main body of the Constitution itself as well as other parts of the Constitution not named;

Then they, the People, are NOT at peace by any of these breaches, either as individuals, or as a People, and Peace clearly has been breached thereby. Article I, Section 6, Clause 1- the minimal embodiment of Contempt of Constitution.

THEREFORE, by these unalienable and mutual understandings beheld now by We THE People, whether or not previously spoken, written, or declared by any knowledge of fact or law, and by mutual covenants of the People, by the People, and between the People unspoken and unwritten yet existent, thus giving their heart-felt, undeniable, and solemn consent to this proceeding, without regard to any expressed numeration of the People so represented hereby but being all inclusive for all of the People United, the People of the United States of America and of the Several States do file and Declare CONTEMPT OF CONSTITUTION to belong as an inherent Power to them, the People, alone, AND THAT by each and every filing and declaration of this Inherent Power throughout the land, this Unalienable Power of Contempt of Constitution shall, for the People alone, GROW EXPOENTIALLY accordingly.

THAT because Contempt by its own nature is a Quasi-Crime, or has many different appearances and aspects, and not a civil offense, and because there are different classes of Contempt, re: Corpus Juris Secundum, Volume 17, Section 43, Page 115, it is necessary to set forth what appears to be the different classes of Contempt of Constitution herein.


The definition(s) of Contempt of Constitution is as follows: Contempt of Constitution is a Sovereign Crime, committed against the sovereign person(s) = People whom such Constitution represents. For the purposes of defining Contempt of Constitution as applicable to the Constitution for the United States of America, the classification of and degrees of types of Contempt of Constitution and like crimes shall be, and hereby are:

General Contempt. Where Contempt has been committed or asserted, but may have been done ignorantly or unknowingly. (Not a defense) This shall include Attempted Contempt.

Malicious Contempt. Where General Contempt has been repeated, so that ignorance of the law is clearly no excuse, or contempt deliberately committed with afore knowledge, or where the results of the contempt is severe against one or more of the person(s) = People victimized by it so that a distinct harm has befallen or inevitably will befall such person(s) = People.

Tyrannical Malicious Contempt. Contempt so strong that it is apparent that the author(s) of tyranny work(s) act of Malicious Contempt, on a similar or dissimilar basis, in an effort, no matter how small, to gain a destructive power over any person=People within the United States of America or any of its territories, or where a corrupt use, or corrupt taking-part in such use, of power, whether or not, by any manner delegated, whereby such power may be used maliciously toward any citizen or any person=People under the protection of the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States of America.

Noble Contempt. Noble Contempt of Constitution occurs when a person or business is recognized and=or treated differently, either greater or lesser, under any operation of law (even though a special fee {which shall be unlawfull} might have been paid to a government for such special recognition) that is recognized for other common or ordinary People, as well as for businesses. Noble Contempt also exists wherein private People or businesses are elevated in status above other common People or businesses by either what they are provided as rights to be entitled, above other People of equal merit, to do or by where they are regarded by some sense of fame already in existence as to be given advantage(s) that other ordinary or common People or businesses under the same circumstances would not be provided. Noble Contempt shall also include Noble Contempt by De-nobilization, which is an act of subjecting an individual or even a specific populous to a condition of degradation or reduction in status of importance under the law, whether by statute, code, regulation or common law, in favor of not reducing all People equally, to be affected thereby. This jurisdictional charge and all penalties hereunder, shall apply to both People and non-nationals of the United States of America and of any State. This is an Inherent Power expressed by the Constitution at Article I, Section 9 Clause 8, and Article I, Section 10, Clause 1.

Noble Malicious Contempt. Is the establishment of Noble Contempt where the party or parties involved in such contemptuous activity refuse to vacate such Contempt and such Contempt can be shown to work a hardship or deprivation of common rights upon any other United States of America native born national or native born in a state of the union. This jurisdictional charge and all penalties hereunder, shall apply to both native born People and non-nationals of the United States of America and of any State. This is an Inherent Authority and Power expressed by the Constitution at article I, Section 9, Clause 8 and Article I, Section 10, Clause 1.

Noble Tyrannical Malicious Contempt. Is the establishment of Noble Contempt on a harsh and repetitive basis where the party or parties involved in such contemptuous activity effectuate such Contempt to the degree that it represents a blatant disregard for basic human rights, rights embraced by the Constitution, where gross insensitivity toward the suffering of any United States of America native born Freeman or Free-Woman is the result, and it is reasonably believed that the party or parties knew of the unconstitutionality of their acts but proceeded with obvious Contempt to continue them at any cost, or where there shall be a corrupt use of power in conjunction with such Noble Tyrannical Malicious Contempt, whether or not, by any manner, delegated, that may be used maliciously as toward any native born Freeman or Free-Woman of, or any person=People under the protection of the United States of America nor any of its territories. Furthermore, Noble Tyrannical Malicious Contempt may be recognized as having been committed in any event where the wanton disregard for the rights, safety and secureness of the common native born Freeman or free-Woman, whether or not the same shall be considered sovereign, is enacted, as represented by the scientific formula written as " ∑(#1) = F∞" (Total Humanity),” putting all or a great portion of humanity at risk of life and=or liberty for the benefit of one, which may be representatively defined in analogical format, put in antiquated-like, but not clearly expressive terms as, “The Sum of Me is Equal To All of Thee.”

IN THE FURTHERANCE of this DECLARATION of CONTEMPT OF CONSTITUTION, where there shall be any attempt to refute, deny, or twist the same so as to be made of alleged non-effect, while holding that the authority and power of contempt of court exists at all, it is further hereby NOTED, UNDERSTOOD, and DECLARED THAT if there be at any time any claim that CONTEMPT OF CONSTITUTION does not exist or that the We THE People have no right thereto, that contempt of court does not exist or that the We THE People have no right thereto, then contempt of court does not exist either, nor contempt of legislature, nor contempt of the executive; the lower cannot supersede the higher, nor set it aside. Therefore, any attempt to declare that Contempt of Constitution does not exist for or belong to We THE People alone in favor of contempt of court or any other authority or power of government, represents a Contempt of Constitution to the Tyrannical Malicious Degree, and is inherently prosecutable there under.

Other forms of Contempt of Constitution may exist as We THE People alone discern or duly proclaim them to be hereafter.

NOTED NOW, and DESCERNED. There is no statute of limitations of Contempt of Constitution, and there can be none, except it be declared by We THE People themselves, which they shall not, except it be by Amendment by Pure Convention, (shall) do.

Contempt of Constitution

Has been formally and officially Declared by this proceeding to the same extent as contempt of court was first declared many ages ago, and has the same lawfull intent and purpose as does contempt of court, the keeping and securing of the Constitution in a safe and sound condition, maintaining its integrity in its rights established solely for the benefit of We THE People of the United States of America.

A tribunal representing a lawfull force recognized by and under the Constitution of the United States of America (Article I, Section 8, Clause 9), also by the power of the tribunals long known and existing under common law, by the power of separate and third party existence as established under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, Circa 1778 as amended at 1791, the Tribunal of We THE People undersigned, representing the People in law and in sovereign law, whether by direct representation or by those solemn and sovereign authority and powers in spirit and in fact as embodied and held, being retained by the First Generation as set forth and required by the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, now hereby below subscribe their appellations, giving force, authority and power to this proceeding and Declaration, by use by proxy of the appellations of those Founding Fathers whose historical appellations now are entered below upon this Extraordinary Writ of Sovereign Declaration, joined by others thereafter in spirit and=or in fact, this Declaration of Contempt of Constitution is and has been put into Perpetual and Sovereign Effect and Power by the Power and Effect of these Three appellations so autographed, real People=Citizens standing in Symbolic Proxy for the Same, and is therefore,

{Place your statement of facts and=or your issue by verified Affidavit}

It is Ordered, Sentenced and Decreed by the Lawfull Authority and Power by the Political Will of We THE People of the United States of America the date of the Declaration of this Inherent Authority and Power of Contempt of Constitution being Timeless, extending to all times when the offense(s) shall have been committed, by

Autograph: (Seal)

Autograph: (Seal)

Autograph: (Seal)

Former law: See sections 1 and 2 of Act 322 of 1919, being CL 1929, §§ 8520 and 8521.
750.352 Molesting and disturbing persons in pursuit of occupation, vocation or avocation.
Sec., 352. Any person or persons who shall, by threats, intimidations, or otherwise, and without authority
(of) law, interfere with, or in any way molest, or attempt to interfere with, or in any way molest or disturb, without such authority, any person, in the quiet and peaceable pursuit of his lawful occupation, vocation or avocation, or on the way to and from such occupation, vocation or avocation, or who shall aid or abet in any such unlawful acts, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
History: 1931, Act 328, Eff. Sept. 18, 1931; - Am. 1947, Act 297, Eff. Oct. 11, 1947; - CL 1948, 750.352.
Former law: See section 1 of Act 163 of 1867, being CL 1871, § 7690; How., § 9273; CL 1897, § 11343; CL 1915, § 15010; and
1929, § 8612.

750.505 Punishment for indictable common law offenses.
Sec. 505. Any person who shall commit any indictable offense at the common law, for the punishment of
which no provision is expressly made by any statute of this state, shall be guilty of a felony, punishable by
imprisonment in the state prison not more than 5 years or by a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both in the discretion of the court.
History: 1931, Act 328, Eff. Sept. 18, 1931; - CL 1948, 750.505; - Am. 1954, Act 66, Eff. Aug. 13, 1954.
Former law: See section 15 of Ch. IX of Act 175 of 1927, being CL 1929, § 17343.

Each State should have similar laws on their books.


Ratified in 1791, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. The amendments, which contain guarantees of essential rights and liberties not specified in the original document, have been the subject of many of the Supreme Court's most important cases. In the 1833 case Barron v. Baltimore, the Court ruled that the protections contained in the Bill of Rights applied only against actions by the federal government, and not the states. However, in the 1920s, the Court began interpreting the Fourteenth Amendment (ratified in 1868 and prohibiting states from denying its citizens "equal protection" and "due process" of law), to incorporate most of the provisions of the Bill of Rights against the states.


The Preamble to the Bill of Rights

Congress of the United States begun and held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.

ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution."[31]

  • First Amendment -- Freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceable assembly, and to petition the government.
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  • Second Amendment -- Right for the people to keep and bear arms, as well as to maintain a militia.
    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

  • Third Amendment -- Protection from quartering of troops.
    No Soldier shall, in time of a piece quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

  • Fourth Amendment -- Protection from unreasonable search and seizure.
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

  • Fifth Amendment -- Due process, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, private property.
    No person shall be held to answer for any capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

  • Sixth Amendment -- Trial by jury and other rights of the accused.
    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district where in the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

  • Seventh Amendment -- Civil trial by jury.
    In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars.

  • Eighth Amendment -- Prohibition of excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment.
    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

  • Ninth Amendment -- Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights.
    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

  • Tenth Amendment -- Powers of states and people
    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Alaska General Jural Assembly Operation and Functions

Formation, operations and functions of the Alaska General Jural Assembly By-Laws of the sovereign members of Alaska, a Free and Independent nation=state

Whereas, the assembly of We the People being one of the principles most respected and powerful civil rights of the American People, and

Whereas, the concept of an assembly that dates, back to the early colonies and was included in the constitutions of the free republics of the united States of America, Cir. 1789, as a means for the people to rein-in an elected government acting outside the limits of delegated power, and

Whereas, when a government appears to be committing criminal and Un-Constitutional acts. It can hardly be relied upon to bring charges and indictments against itself.

Therefore, We the People inhabiting the land of Alaska a Free and Independent nation=state, free men and women convened under God, having being granted by the creator over all the earth, to protect and restore the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, hereby invoke our sacred right to peacefully assemble, as memorialized in the unanimous Declaration of Independence of the thirteen united States of America, Cir. 1776. The Articles of Confederation Cir.”1787” and do hereby establish this Alaska General Jural Assembly of the sovereign people of Alaska, a Free and Independent nation=state November 5th 2020.

This Alaska General Jural Assembly, being formed and existing by right, according to common law and lawfully assembled on the free dry land of Alaska, a Free and Independent nation=state. Is not a part of the De Facto incorporated bodies such as Political Action Committees (PACs) and any and all political parties, in functions as an entirely separate and independent body, void of affiliation with any and all partisan connections according to rights and powers granted by the creator and vested in the people by the Bill of Rights that secure these rights to address Constitutional usurpations for the united States of America. Cir.1789 as amended in 1791.

This assembly is composed of free men and women who have bound themselves by a Jural Covenant of Office Oath to review, deliberate and “Notice” the lawful acts and actions of public office holders. These assembly members have a sworn or affirmed to support, preserve, defend and protect the ‘Constitution for the united States of America (circa 1789), and the Bill of Rights’ by autographing under oath or affirmation the ‘Jural Covenant of Office.’ Alaska General Jural Assembly standing as guardians of Alaska, a Free and Independent nation=state, one of the free republics in perpetual union with the Articles of Confederation in force after ratification by Maryland, 1 March 1781.

In addition, all Alaska General Jural Assembly members have autographed under oath or affirmation the ‘Jural Covenant of Office,’ knowing full well that they are subject to serve as De Jure Grand Jury members and are selected by random draw and will serve a one year term.

The expressed meaning of the word “De Jure” used herein is “existing by right or according to law.”


Requirements and Qualifications for Alaska General Jural Assembly Membership:

  • Be at least Fourteen (14) years of age to join. Be at least eighteen (18) years of age to vote;

  • Be domiciled on the land within the geographic boundaries of Alaska, a Free and Independent nation=state for no less than one (1) year immediately prior to joining the assembly;

  • Exhibit common sense, intelligence, good character and sound judgment;

  • Cannot have been convicted of malfeasance in any public office, any felony or higher crime where there is an actual injured party. Exceptions to the felony rule may be granted on a case by case basis depending on the nature of the felony conviction and must be approved by simple majority vote of 50% plus 1 by the Alaska General Jural Assembly;

  • Cannot be holding a title of nobility or be an attorney holding membership of the BAR;

  • Cannot be serving as a De Facto corporate elected or appointed public official;

  • Must autograph under oath affirmation, the “Declaration of Independence” and the “Declaration of Unalienable Rights” blue ink, documents. Cir2019;

Duties, Powers, and Responsibilities:

The Alaska General Jural Assembly reviews and evaluates procedures and systems used by all governmental agencies to determine whether agency operations remain within lawful limitations of the constitutional authority and may also inquire into any aspect of special legislative districts and joint power agencies.

The jurisdiction of the Alaska General Jural Assembly extends to the operations of any federal agency presuming to have authority to operate within the geographic boundaries of Alaska, a Free and Independent nation=state, which may affect or infringe the unalienable rights of the sovereign people of Alaska.

The Alaska General Jural Assembly functions lawfully only as a body. No one individual assembly member acting alone has any power or authority. No one regional assembly has the authority or power to implement change or the conditions to these by-laws on its own.

The members in good standing attending the assembly meetings shall constitute the quorum of the assembly.

“Good Standing” means the member has all their documents up to date and on file with the recording secretary, Attend 75% of the business meetings and is not under suspension or indictment for any cause or infraction voted on by the body of the assembly.

Meetings of this Alaska General Jural Assembly are private meetings. Non-members must be sponsored by a member in good standing to attend assembly meetings.

It is required that all matters placed before this Alaska General Jural Assembly and votes taken must be kept as a confidential record, minutes of all the meetings, regularly scheduled, and all special emergency scheduled meetings.

The Alaska General Jural Assembly will take action by peaceful means in redressing all matters under review pertaining to all government agencies, the end result of inquiries into civil matters may be released to the public in the form of a final report but only upon written request.

All matters voted on by the Alaska General Jural Assembly shall be decided by simple majority of 50% plus 1 present and all matters voted on shall be final, unless unanimously amended.


The Alaska General Jural Assembly Serves These Primary Functions:

  • To examine all aspects of government operations by initiating its own investigations: placing their findings before a “Board of Review” for disposition;

  • To resolve disputes between governmental agencies and the people living and working within the geographic boundaries of Alaska, a Free and Independent nation=state;

  • To conduct investigations, and when the evidence is sufficient to issue presentments to the “Board of Review” to initiate appropriate action by enforcement agencies responsible for prosecution;

  • To oversee all government agencies and office holders to ensure compliance with Constitutions, Lawful status, Ordinances, Regulations, Codes etc, and to review and determine the lawfulness or all the listed Directives;

  • To oversee all Settlement Assemblies, and to ensure that their duties, qualifications, purpose, and scope conform to the Alaska General Jural Assembly as set forth herein, except limited to the respective county/borough venue. Administrative oversight is placed under the Alaska General Jural Assembly to maintain concurrence and peaceful interactions and harmony for all of We the People on the free dry land of Alaska, a Free and Independent nation=state;

  • Establish a three (3) member “Board of Review” for infractions of these by-laws by any member’s failure to live up to this Operations and Functions by-laws and expectations of the Alaska General Jural Assembly;

The Current Scope of Review of the Alaska General Jural Assembly is to:

  • Inquire into the condition and management of our governmental offices, agencies and require the reset of the corporate style governance to the De Jure style and function in common-law based on biblical principles as the original republic form of governance intended;

  • Investigate and report on the opera tions, financial accounts, and records of all government officers and agencies to include the various departments and their operational directives;

  • Inquire into any observed or reported misconduct of public officers, present and past;

  • Inquire into any observed or reported criminal conduct;

  • To call forth a committee for investigation and give this committee the authority to investigate and review all issues presented to the assembly, by any member in good standing and any issue from a non-member presented by any member in good standing;

  • To establish a “Board of Review” with the power and authority to issue summons and subpoenas to accomplish a thorough investigation and sentencing of culpable parties;

  • The “Board of Review” shall commence oversight and review of all abuses perpetrated on We the People by the corporate government that has usurped our Republican form of self-governance;

Election of Alaska General Jural Assembly Officers:

Election of officers shall take place yearly in the month of December by paper ballot by the assembly members in good standing. To hold an office in the General Jural Assembly the member must be eighteen (18) years of age or older, attend 75% of the business meetings and be a member in good standing for six (6) months. Cannot be serving as a De Facto corporate public official. Cannot be holding title of nobility or be an attorney holding membership of the BAR; must autograph under oath or affirmation the “Jural Covenant of Office,” “Declaration of Independence” and “Declaration of Unalienable Rights,” blue ink documents. Cir. 2019.


Alaska General Jural Assembly Officers and their Duties:

The listed Offices are to be filled by members that meet the requirements to hold office under these by-laws from noon January 1, to noon January 1 of the following year. The only exception is the Grand Jury Commissioner which is an appointed position for a three (3) year term for community of training and jury management. The appointment of a new Grand Jury Commissioner will take place at the two-year anniversary of the present office holder to ensure the new commissioner has a solid knowledge base to officially take the office. The Current office holder has 72 hours to transmit all information needed to the new office holder to be able to perform his or her duties, within the election or appointment. Current office holder is to assist new office holder with duties until new office holder understands them.

  • Moderator-Foreman—must ensure that the Alaska General Jural Assembly, as a whole, and each of the investigative committees, functions effectively and efficiently. The Moderator-Foreman shall have the ability to administer covenant oaths and affirmations, to appoint “Board o f Review” and shall appoint the Alaska De Jure Grand Jury Commissioner;

  • Moderator-Foreman Pro-tem- Generally supports the Moderator-Foreman and in the absence of the Moderator-Foreman, assumes all responsibilities of the Moderator-Foreman;

  • Recording Secretary- Generally assists the Moderator-Foreman in all matters while keeping an accurate record (minutes) of the proceedings of each meeting in the manner and scope of a scribe, handles in-coming and out-going general purpose mail (snail mail);

  • Recording Secretary Pro-tem- Generally supports the Recording Secretary and in the absence of the Recording Secretary, assumes all responsibilities of the Recording Secretary;

  • Communications Secretary- Handles computer communications and assist Recording Secretary with computer incoming and outgoing communications (email);

  • Communications Secretary Pro-tem- Generally supports the Communication Secretary and in the absence of the Communications Secretary, assumes all responsibilities of the Communications Secretary;

  • Audio/Visual IT- works with the video/audio recordings to ensure safety and non-designated personnel from changing and corrupting the record. Assists in maintenance and storage of digital data records on secure servers;

  • Audio/Visual Pro-tem- manages the Alaska General Jural Assembly web site, security, posting of data, and manages the domain certificates;

  • Treasurer- handles all financial operations, including the reimbursements of jurors and payments on expenses of the grand jury. As a whole, must keep accurate records and submit a report to the Alaska General Jural Assembly at each business meeting;

  • Alaska De Jure Grand Jury Commissioner- shall oversee the jury member selection process, provides the orientation and training for the newly selected Grand Jury Members, and may function as advisory consultant to inhabitants of any Alaska region establishing a De Jure Grand Jury under Settlement Covenant. Co-ordinate initial information meetings and assist with recruiting. Alaska Gran Jury Commissioner is by appointment and is appointed for three (3) years;

Removal of an assembly member from the Alaska General Jural Assembly:

Verified failure to exemplify high standards of behavior and attitude within the philosophy and direction of the Alaska General Jural Assembly, or violation of these by-laws or failure to maintain status of member in good standing in any way will result in immediate suspension of all the member’s privileges and immediate removal from any office held by the member at the time.

Disregard for the Jural Covenant of Office oath shall be grounds for the member to be investigated and evaluated by a three member board of review. Removal from the assembly may be affected by the recommendation of the review and voted on by the assembly. These review boards will be appointed by the Moderator-Foreman or Chief Justice for that incident only and dissolved after the review and decision is acknowledged by the assembly.


Region Settlement Administrative Oversight:

The individual region assembly with established duties, qualifications, mission, purpose, and scope, will conform to the Alaska General Jural Assembly as set forth herein, except limited respective region of venue. Administrative oversight is placed under the Alaska General Jural Assembly.

Failure of regional assembly to address flagrant abuses by any member, it shall become the task of the State Level Alaska General Jural Assembly to address the cause by making recommendations and if necessary imitate a Regional Administrative Oversight (RAO) “Board of Review” action.


Qualifications and selection process for RAO “Board of Review” members:

There shall be three (3) members for this “board of review” with the authority to summons and subpoena all necessary evidence to deliberate and validate a claim/cause of action.

Potential candidates are given information about the duties of this “board of review” and the time commitment required. All candidates to serve as RAO “board of review” members are to attend an orientation presented by the Justice of the Judiciary members of the Alaska, a Free and Independent nation=state. The members of this “board of review” are to be held to a demonstrated knowledge base of law and legal research and procedure. Future candidates are to be drawn from the local communities of all Alaska regions from which regular assembly members are drawn and must be members in good standing.

The Alaska General Jural Assembly has the responsibility to impanel three (3) member RAO “board of review” to address and commence oversight and review of all the abuses perpetrated on We the People by the corporation that has usurped our Republican form of self-governance.


Addendums to these by-laws:

Any addendum to the Operations and Functions of the Alaska General Jural Assembly must be submitted in writing to the Moderator-Foreman and the addendum shall be reviewed by the assembly at a regularly scheduled meeting and shall be approved or rejected by simple majority vote of 50% plus 1 in attendance. All addendums that are in force as of this writing shall remain in force as approved by the assembly on the dates recorded in the Alaska General Jural Assembly meeting minutes.


Approved in assembly on October 20, 2020



Alaska General Jural Assembly

PO Box 521448

Big Lake, Alaska [99652-1448]